Foolproof Tips to Build a Booming Business with Dustless Blasting

Ever feel like you're in a bit of a business rut? Maybe you're struggling to get started or looking for new ways to bring in exciting customers. Sometimes, we need a little kickstart to get back on track. Today, we have a few tips to help move past any blasting business blocks you may be facing. Let's get business booming!
Sometimes we hear people say:
"Starting this business is a big risk, because I don't know if people will actually be interested."
Are you worried about this too? You don't have to be.
Get out in the community, and look around for all the people and companies that could benefit from Dustless Blasting services. Spread the word about your business and let people know that you are offering a new and innovative approach to sandblasting. You may be surprised by the enthusiastic response you receive and how quickly you secure your first job. Don't be afraid to put yourself out there and make connections in your community. This approach lets you get comfortable with talking about your services. You can also identify the interest in your area, and can determine the best industry to start with.
If you are looking to drum up new business, develop new relationships.
Get out in the community - look around and see the needs in local companies that could benefit from your services. Capitalize on repair and maintenance opportunities. Let people know you are there. Get in touch with local contractors and make them aware of your service solution by advertising, cold calling, putting your business card in local shops, and visiting your chamber of commerce to let them know what services you can provide. Check out our case studies page to get some ideas of places to contact.
If you are just getting started or need a little boost, find some guidance among your peers.
Make contact with other contractors that can give you affirmation about what you are doing and answer those questions when you just aren't too sure about something. Get comfortable with the group and reap the motivation that comes from knowing you have the support of people happy to help. If you own a machine and you're not in the contractor Facebook group already, let us know!
If you want everyone to know about your service, create content don't just talk about it.
We live in a visual society - social media is out there and it is free to use! Start tweeting, using Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and more to show off your work. Take before and after pictures of your projects and let those images do some of the talking. Your portfolio will be the truth behind the product. Show everyone out there you are capable of delivering a superior solution in a shorter amount of time than they ever expected. If you're looking for some help in digital marketing, check out our marketing packages and have a digital marketing expert do the hard work for you.
The easiest way to start talking about your services is to bring along some printed materials, created by our knowledgeable design team. This will guide you through your talking points, and give you pictures that show off your capabilities. If you're looking for an all-purpose brochure, we recommend these.*

With every conversation you have, you're establishing yourself in the community. Positive word-of-mouth will only grow with time, so why not jump start the process?
Lastly, if you want to spread the word about your business, DO IT ALL!
There is no job too big or too small. One blasted sidewalk could lead to a building or hotel. One blasted rim could lead to a fleet vehicle. One blasted boat propeller could lead to a 54' yacht. Do work! Have patience and perspective and whatever you do, don't stop.
There are 24 hours in a day, so let's get business booming!
Check out all these ideas for the kinds of companies that NEED blasting services. No matter where you live, the opportunities are endless.
One of our business owners, James, picked up a huge job simply by talking to people on his way to pick up his machine in Houston.
"It was a long drive down here, but it paid off. We already have 6 semi trucks to shoot in Arizona. So we're diverting off our course [to do the job!]"
— James W, Blasting Business Owner
See more of James' story here.
Or there's Alex, who started generating business months before he bought the equipment.
"I go around telling people what I can do with this machine. I show them the Youtube videos, I let them know that I came here and tried it, and it does what it says it does. Believe it or not, I have clientele lined up already...and they'd like to have the service done."
— Alex, Blasting Business Owner
See more of Alex's story here.
Remember, talking to people is free, and it gives you valuable insight about the needs you can fill in your community. So get out there!