Patrick is back to pick up his third mobile abrasive blasting machine in just four years of being in business due to high demand!
Hear how he started a thriving blasting business with no previous sandblasting experience.

Patrick Grimes - Pro Blast Of South Florida Interview With Dustless Blasting Business Owner
Listen to Patrick as he tells us his story about what led him to start his own blasting business and how that business has grown beyond his wildest dreams.

Next Steps
- Figure out which machine is best for you, your business goals and your budget. If you need help picking out a machine, one of our blasting experts would be glad to make a recommendation for you.
- Start thinking about ways to market your business. We offer marketing packages to help get the word out to potential customers in your area.
- Take advantage of our unique resources. We're proud to offer an online academy with numerous guides, a responsive tech support who is eager to help and an Online Store that holds parts and accessories.