Powder coat is a wonderful coating technology, which is more durable than paint, produces less VOC's, and has a wider range of possible colors and effects.
However, when a mistake is made during the powder coat process, the extreme durability of powder coat turns into a major problem. This is because until recently, there were only a couple of ways to remove powder coat: extremely caustic chemicals, or burning the powder coat off in a gas powered incinerator. Both methods are slow, expensive, and potentially dangerous.
Thankfully, Dustless Blasting has changed that! Take a look at the video below to see what Rodney and Jason had to say after testing the Dustless Blaster against their toughest powder coating problems!
Now, Rodney's wheel repair business won't have to wait for mis-coated parts to come back from the incinerator, and Jason can de-coat his industrial parts 7-10 times faster than before! How will Dustless Blasting help you?